Our AI makes all-time high test scores easy. Our tech team takes care of the human element of AI that optimises prep materials and studying, like ensuring answers are up-to-date so students don’t have to. Our reliable subject experts are always a few clicks away.
Boost My ScoreZookal is enhancing education for students, educators, and parents with comprehensive prep tools that have everything students need & nothing they don’t.
Students, parents, & teachers are reimagining studying with Zookal.
With study tasks that students won’t feel the need to procrastinate, Zookal enhances education for everyone, helping students, teachers, and parents achieve & exceed their goals.
Hit your highest standardised exam scores to date with thousands of curriculum-aligned questions and instant in-depth feedback.
Unlimited access to premium features including Exam Prep and Flashcards.
Unlimited access to premium features including Exam Prep and Flashcards.
Unlimited access to premium features including Exam Prep and Flashcards.
Zookal is on a mission to make learning accessible, addictive, and effective. To us, accessible learning means accessible success. Zookal helps students get the most out of their most important investment – their future.
Our Mission