With study tasks that students never feel the need to procrastinate, Zookal enhances education for everyone, helping students, teachers, and parents achieve & exceed their goals.
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With studying as appealing as social media and cost-effective content typically reserved for those with private tutors, our human tutors & AI have merged to become known as the go-to study companion for students. Whether cramming for the SAT or searching for immediate help on a math problem, after leaning on Zookal for help, you’ll never see studying the same.
Zookal is on a mission to make learning accessible, addictive, and effective. To us, accessible learning means accessible success. Zookal helps students get the most out of their most important investment – their future.
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Content positionsZookal bridges gaps in educational journeys. Join us and help students, parents, and teachers with studying that doesn’t feel like a chore.
Expert-vetted tutors in a wide range of subjects.
Human-backed AI for a lifelike exam experience.
Ongoing educator input for top-notch learning.
Accessible tools for accessible education.
Read what our Homework Help tutors have to say!
Software engineer
Sydney, Australia
Software engineer
Sydney, Australia
Software engineer
Sydney, Australia
Software engineer
Sydney, Australia
Software engineer
Sydney, Australia
Software engineer
Sydney, Australia
Software engineer
Sydney, Australia
Are you ready to join us in reimagining the future of learning?
Connect with UsZookal is on a mission to make learning accessible, addictive, and effective. To us, accessible learning means accessible success. Zookal helps students get the most out of their most important investment – their future.
Read Our Mission